We Are The Earth - documentary film by T'Chanalquay Productions

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We Are The Earth DVD

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  • We Are The Earth
  • Produced by Suzi Bekkattla
  • Edited by Ja-son Flower
  • Music by Leela Gilday and Ron Harris
  • Release Date: 2010
  • Running Time: 90 min.

Nuhni Dene K'i Nih Daidli Si (we people are the earth)

A story of industrial & cultural genocide, indigenous unity and the hope that together we will remember, we are the earth.

Time is running gout. We are at a crossroads in our relationship to our home, earth. Is it more than just our home, the place that sustains our very lives? Many people believe it is much more that it is - us.

A growing number of us are convinced that big-business-as-usual in relation to our home and the elements (natural resources) are out of control. These are the heroes who are committed to ending this madness.

This film looks at the heroes of the land. These are the Indigenous leader, the environmentalists, the activists, the spiritual teachers, and most importantly our youth and elders who have been called to a common goal. Protect the earth, protect the elements, protect ourselves - for the generations to come.

We Are The Earth
We Are The Earth

Truth, Love, Respect, Courage, Humility, Honesty and Wisdom